
Transport of pets is a common headache for their owners. It is necessary to make light of their own, and our own security. We do not allow, for example, in a lively dog to move freely inside the car while driving, and to distract us. Cats and small dogs should always travel in special cages transportation. For public transport must first check with the shipping company on the conditions of safe movement. Also, for going abroad is no specific legal regime governing the European Union countries, such as mandatory passport animal (pet passport) and electronic marking (microchip).

To these may be edited by our vet.

A common problem on the trip are nausea and vomiting. Nausea manifested by drowsiness, eve of the animal on the floor, salivation and vomiting on an empty stomach appears as a sticky, foamy saliva white or yellow. Good is the animals are fasted for at least eight to ten hours before travel and receive a window of the mild effect of the external air. In some animals but may nausea and vomiting unavoidable consequence of transport. In this case, the advice of a veterinarian can administer a human drug or a more specific animals. It seems that a new substance Maropitant is the most effective for nausea transportation. Administered twenty minutes after receiving a light meal and dosing is calculated based on the weight of the animal.

Finally, it is extremely important problem of heatstroke. The inclusion of an animal in a parked car, even for a little can be fatal. Travels everywhere with open windows or air conditioning, and prefer the cooler hours of the trip. The animals are more sensitive than humans to high temperatures.

Anastasios A. Boyd
D.V.M Veterinarian