Transport of pets is a common headache for their owners. It is necessary to make light of their own, and our own security. We do not allow, for example, in a lively dog to move freely inside the car while driving, and to distract us. Cats and small dogs should always travel in special cages transportation. For public transport must first check with the shipping company on the conditions of safe movement. Also, for going abroad is no specific legal regime governing the European Union countries, such as mandatory passport animal (pet passport) and electronic marking (microchip).
During the warmer months of the year mainly ticks ectoparasites (ticks) and Fleas are a serious problem. Ticks are hematophagous parasites responsible for the transmission of diseases, such as ehrlichiosis and babesiosis. These diseases are usually treated easily and effectively enough to make early diagnosis and initiation of treatment. Caution if you see an animal we currently presenting depression, anorexia, fever, gastrointestinal problems, small dot hemorrhages in the oral cavity, skin, or epistaxis.