Our pets, not infrequently may suffer poisoning from negligence, error or unfortunately intentionally.
A common cause of symptoms of intoxication are human or veterinary drugs consumed by mistake or in higher doses than recommended. Such drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, analgesics, antidepressants, antibiotics, etc.
Exemplifies the administration of acetaminophen (depon) in the cat, a substance highly toxic for this species. Toxin is also the ectoparasiticides and rodent baits (rodenticides). The latter may cause bleeding in animals, and even death. Also ectoparasiticides in solution, spray or nebulizer cup for fleas or ticks, etc., can cause intoxication in overdose or error in their implementation. Some of them are only for dogs are toxic to cats.
Many do not know that many human foods toxic to animals act. A typical example is the administration of chocolate in dogs due to the toxic substance theobromine it contains. That's why dogs tolerate only small amounts of chocolate. Also, onions and garlic if consumed in sufficient quantities cause hemolysis and distinctive red tinge in the urine. Even sugarless candies containing xylitol, some nuts (Macadamia, hazelnuts), fruits (grapes, raisins) and some edible mushrooms for humans, can cause poisoning symptoms sometimes very seriously.
Many of the plants that we have in our homes and our backyards can cause intoxication mainly gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, depression). Such plants are rhododendrons, the azalea, lilies, the oleanders, etc. In our homes are sometimes chemicals, such as paints and paint solvents or antifreeze cars. The latter contain a strong nephrotoxic substance, ethylene glycol.
Unfortunately there are deliberate poisoning cases ("Foley") usually in Greece caused by highly toxic pesticides on the main insecticide Lanade.
Many pet owners tend to give each animal's illness with symptoms of depression, anorexia, vomiting or diarrhea, poisoning. Usually poisonings and highly deliberate, have sudden onset, highly acute symptoms, salivation, vomiting, smelly diarrhea, tremors, convulsions, neurological symptoms such as seizures and anguished expression. Certainly the symptoms and severity of the illness varies with the toxic substance, quantity consumed or the size of the dog (the large breeds "tolerate" higher doses of Petite).
If you suspect possible poisoning our animals, we turn to a veterinarian as soon as the transfer and, if possible, an organized office. Unfortunately, there is no specific antidote for all toxic and very often can not be known what is the essence of any poisoning incident. The administration of vitamin K1 is usually the specific antidote for rat poison. Atropine also helps significantly in several cases of intoxication by pesticides, insecticides and drugs ectoparasiticides. Generally in most cases, treatment is symptomatic and supportive with intravenous serums, treatment of hyperthermia or hypothermia, etc.
This helps to induce vomiting, if done in the first two hours of consuming poison. It should be emphasized here that cause vomiting if the animal is conscious and reflex swallowing. Also strictly prohibited to induce vomiting in case of ingestion of corrosive substances such as acids, alkalis and petroleum derivatives, while such a move does not make sense in animals have proven vomit. Emesis is usually achieved with oral syrup of ipecac or better with injectable apomorphine.
The delay absorption and binding of venom, can be done by administration of activated charcoal, followed by the administration of laxatives or enemas to remove the poison by the body of the animal. Where the toxic substance is on the animal's body (e.g. ectoparasiticides drugs) good lathering and rinsing with warm water is the best treatment.
We must keep in mind that all drugs, chemicals, detergents, pesticides, pesticides, etc., are kept in tightly confined spaces, inaccessible to children and pets. For disinfection, disinfestation and multifamily homes in select workshops that give us written instructions precautionary domestic and determine what substances we use and what are their antidotes. All medicines for animals, including pesticides, are always used on the advice of a veterinarian and in accordance with the product instructions.
Anastasios A. Boyd
D.V.M Veterinarian