Digital Radiographs
The clinic has a separate and independent radiographer site radiographer. In this laboratory a x-ray machine is installed, all possible radiographic shots and a separate dental x-ray machine.
Soft Tissue Surgery
We perform many operations involving:
- the digestive system, such enterotomes and enterektomes, removal of foreign bodies, gastrostomy, etc.
- the urinary tract, such as struvite ultrasonic lithotripsy, bladder opening to remove tumors or stones, etc.
- the
With the help of color, veterinary ultrasound, we can get clear and high resolution images of the abdominal organs and the heart.
In males the term neutering usually mean the castration, which involves surgical removal of both testicles, while in females, usually meant the ovariohysterectomy, which involves surgical removal of the entire reproductive system (uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries).
Read MorePathological Investigation
In our clinic, we take the full history of the animal, perform detailed clinical examination and if necessary, move and laboratory tests (taking blood-urine, X-rays, ultrasound, etc.).
Read MoreMicrobiology - Hematology - Biochemistry
We have at our disposal hematological and biochemical analyzer, specifically designed for animals and within 10 minutes, we can have a complete blood count (blood count) and results for sugar for the kidneys, liver, the levels of triglycerides, cholosterolis, potassium etc.
Read MoreClinical diets
Many pathological conditions are fully addressed or facilitated the deal with modification of diet. We provide a full range of specialist clinics diets for treating gastroenteritis, food allergy, heart failure, kidney failure, obesity, obstruction of urinary calculi-etc Some specialized diets may not be ready to move.
Read MoreBeautification
We have a separate room, with specially shaped bathtub for young and big animals.
The room has air conditioning (cooling and heating), a continuous supply of hot water and drying professional equipment.
Read MoreVaccinations
Their importance is undeniable and should not be underestimated. The primary care of our pets. The immunization program we implement fully meets the needs of your pet and has been prepared based on the epidemiological circumstances of Greek space, the welfare and the official instructions of vaccines.
We have modern microscope for direct observation of biological samples, as well as collaboration with specialist veterinary laboratory, both in Greece and abroad for cytology and biopsies.